Producing + Directing + Writing
Sara Anne has produced, directed, and written several short films with production companies including Empty Can Productions and Tomcat Productions.
Most recently, she produced and co-wrote the sketch comedy series Bus Stop with Tomcat Productions out of Chicago in collaboration with the founders of Shytown Sugar Productions.
Sara Anne directed Choices as well as the LGBTQIA+ play For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls at Kent State University.
She created a cross-disciplinary collaboration by empowering two student assistant directors. One from the English department focused on text/language and another from the Media/Teleproductions department focused on stage-picture.
“Whether I am directing or casting a play/film, collaboration is my skeleton while intimacy training is my spine to promote an equitable environment and brave space in the rehearsal room.”
Academic Directing
When directing For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls at Kent State University, she began with Stanislavski’s script analysis. Students understood the script as the backbone while the body is the exploration of actions (tactics) through improvisation. Improvisation after thorough script analysis, during the rehearsal process, deepens the memorization of lines while narrowing the chance of memorizing choices. This approach lead to spontaneous reactions. Improvisation ignites artistic freedom so the rehearsal was no longer reciting memorized lines but rather organically responding. Improv heightens the actors’ focus, promotes relationship development, and ignites organic behavior from listening/reacting to their scene partner.
Sara Anne wrote several sketch comedy shows during her time at Second City’s Conservatory. She worked closely with directors including Seth Thomas.
She also produced and wrote sketch comedy and improv shows with Bear Skin Rug Comedy which regularly sold-out shows of 200+ throughout Chicago.